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SIAL Paris 2024: come and celebrate our 60th anniversary with us at the biggest event ever!
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Get a quotation / Book a stand
Get accompanied by an advisor in the preparing your project:
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SIAL Paris 2024show
Customer area
On 02/20/2024 the login box for the customer area has been changed.
First log-in ?
Please (re)-create a new account.
Click on the registration link located under the login form (No account yet? Sign up).
Complete the form and clicked the "Sign up" button, you will have access to your exhibitor area again.
You already have an account :
Find the information needed for your participation at the event
Order items needed for your participation (badges, services, stand fittings...)
Order communication tools
Setting up/Dismantling schedule
Architecture rules except Hall 5C
Hall 5C architecture rules
Hall 6B architecture rules
Hall 8B architecture rules
Exhibitor's guide
Sustainability guide
Your registration in 5 steps :